the wahm zone has something of a mixed heritage, and is the net result of an intoxicating sprawl of ideas and concepts. this cerebral cocktail has included an online mall, a community/support forum and a hosted web site management service. each of these components have battled to be the dominant one – in reality none of them are; they simply complement each other perfectly.

it’s a social network, but it's not?

if pressed to define the wahm zone in simple terms, I would loosely describe it as a social network (why not, after all they are all the rage nowadays!)

specifically though, the wahm zone is a specialist social network, focusing on the needs of part-time hobby business owners, providing distraction-free online networking opportunities (i.e. no frigging Farmville), and a community of genuinely warm, helpful, supportive, like-minded people.

it’s a web site service, but not as you know it

with a my background in software and web development, the main goal has consistently been to provide an option to create an online business presence, quickly, easily and without costing an arm, a leg and half of your genitals. ExpressWAHPz achieved that, and with the mini sites feature, the wahm zone builds on that with a feature-rich WordPress-powered system, offering many new and exciting options for hobby business owners.

it’s a mall/directory of sorts, without being yet another f*&^ing directory site

while not wanting to get into the territory of running yet another WAHM directory site, a directory of sorts does exist. this is a side effect of combining the functionality of social networking and that of a web site creation service. within the wahm zone any member of the public can visit the "mini sites" area, where they will be able to discover and search for sites belonging to the zone-istas (wahm zone members). this mini-directory is therefore a useful tool for being discovered by humans and search engines alike…

it is unique beyond unique

the internet has web service options crawling out of its ears; without exception these are generic, aimed at "anyone" who wants a web site, claim to do everything and anything, and usually have a free option that quickly turns into a series of paid upgrades to get at the useful stuff…

the wahm zone mini sites feature has been deliberately priced at rock bottom, because it's aimed fully and squarely at part-timer hobby biz owners; these owners aren't just "cost conscious", they're often doing this part-time business stuff as a way of topping up the family household income.

so wahm zone mini sites cost around 20 cents per day – with options to convert that into profit through the integrated affiliate program!

it is exactly what you are looking for – if "you" are a part-time hobby business owner (or think you may be one)

no, seriously, it is…

don't dilly, don't dally, dip your toe in the water right now!

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